Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Kidney Day!

Today's is the 13th anniversary of my son's kidney transplant! We are forever thankful to the family of the donor who were so selfless in their gift. Happy Birthday Kidney - and many, many more.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your son. Many, many, many more "Happy Kidney Days" to him.

I'm so sorry you'll have all that hard work tomorrow and that I can't be there to help.

You're both constantly in my thoughts and (what pass for) prayers.

xoxoxoxo sdb

Anonymous said...

Many, many, many more aniversaries to your son. Don't eat too much celebration cake.

Hope the OH's bed switch went well.

Wishing everyone the best and keeping you in though always.


Anonymous said...

A very, very Happy Birthday Kidney!!! Hope you get your computer service settled soon as well as your cars and the beds and well.... you do lead a very busy life if not an overly exciting one. Just take a deep breath ( and a cold beer) cause there is bound to be more. It's my experience that these things don't just come in threes but in herds.
Love you you and Mr. Indi,