Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Things that go ........CURASH!

So - there I was getting his Lordship ready for bed - putting a special goop on his bum because he has a pressure sore - OUCH! - when all of a sudden my computer (my beautiful pink Dell) fell off the portable computer table and landed on the oak floor - BANG! I was a little more than annoyed!

I was too tired to try turning it on and surveying the damage - so - I picked it up and chucked it on the dressing table and told it that it could bloody well stay there all night! Which it did.

Imagine my amazement when Mr. Indi switched it on this morning and everything worked perfectly! So - if you want a computer that will still work after you have thrown it on the floor in a temper tantrum - buy a Dell (bright pink!)

I am very excited because the weather man says that it is going to rain tonight - it doesn't take much to get me excited! But, it does mean that I won't have to drag that 200 foot hose all over God's Little Acre. Actually - it's only 1/3 of an acre.

Off to do more chores - must mail Easter Bunny cards to the prettiest girls in the world.

I took the picture yesterday - on the embankment. I love wild flowers - and didn't even notice the little bee until I loaded the card onto the computer. Isn't he sweet?


Muderma said...

Good to talk to you both this evening ! I must see if I can get more than 20 words out of his Lordship next time ! Still, you make up for that, Indi !

Instead of gloop, have you tried what we used to use on the kids bums ? Zinc and castor oil cream ? Mind you, you'll NEVER wash it out of the sheets, its SO greasy ! But it works ...

Do you know what the flower with the bee is ? Its one I can't recognise ...

Lots of love to you both, and ask Sister Sister to say one for me too ... and I'll reciprocate !

XX Granny

Anonymous said...

Lol did Mrs Smith step by in Poltergeist mode? Now I want a new laptop so pink is the way to go methinks!

Re the cream - dunno if you get it out there BUT metatanium was what nursery told me to use for H for nappy rash. Is vile, brown and stinks but bloody hell it works a treat. If you can get well worth a go!

My dad has same prob as Mr Indi tho he just about to start chemo. I told him and mum about you both (I do wish they'd get a puter grrr. No chance - well is all that fiddling and buttons and stuff - I give up!) they were gobsmacked by how brave you both are and they send their love and good wishes to you both

Love to you both as always.

Ann, Jules & Holly xxxxxxxx