Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Liver Worked!

The latest blood test results showed a hematocrit level of 28.8 Woooo! That liver did the job!
I dropped him off at the chemo center at 9:00 a.m. and I picked him up at 4:20 p.m. A long old day - especially for him but the stress was getting to be a bit much for me, too. I hate the waiting game but I can't bring myself to sit with him for all those hours. Selfish, I know! It's just that I get so upset by the sight of all the cancer patients - especially the young ones - and if I spend 8 hours at the clinic, I feel guilty about chores not getting done - a can't-win situation.

But, Monday is behind us and the chemo went well, albeit slowly. Now Mr. Indi begins his week long cycle of no sleep, no taste, nausea and sweating. He has used up all the ginger chewy candies so I will be down at the World Market this morning, stocking up. While there, I must remember to get some English baked beans - so I can have some baked beans on toast for lunch - yum!

When I got back home with his Lordship, the first thing we did was have lots of hugs - Mr. Indi is ambivalent about hugs but I needed hugs - lots of them! I then made us a nice easy dinner of cold ham, baby red potatoes, salad and sliced plums. He ate most of it - and I was happy about that. We went to bed early but while I crashed, he has had no sleep at all and has been up since 3:00 a.m. working on his laptop. I hope he will get some rest later this morning.

Today's picture is a pretty dahlia growing in a flower bed outside of a pub in Newport Beach.

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