Saturday, August 2, 2008


As I was getting ready for bed last night, I remarked to Mr. Indi, who was already tucked in, that it wasn't but a few years ago that I used to go to bed with:

A birth control pill

A can of Bud

A packet of Marlboro

A Man

(Not necessarily in that order)

Now I go to bed with:

Pain killers for my arthritis and sciatica

Elixir for my throat

Nose spray for my sinuses

A pill to help me sleep

A couple of Tums in case I start belching

Gasex in case I start farting

An ice bag for my hot feet

Earplugs in case the neighbors dogs start barking

Eyeglasses so that I can see my book

What happened????

The picture is of the lovely chrysanthemums that S gave me xxxxxx


Muderma said...

Isn't Mr Indi supposed to be on that list ??

ipa said...

I plead the 5th!

Vanessa said...

That is SO funny! It's so true though. I hear that loud and clear! I knew you must be British from some of your lingo and finally read your profile. I too am from England and have been here since I was 7. Have a nice day and thank you for your kind comments on my blog.