Saturday, July 12, 2008

Odd and Odder!

I have always thought that Mr. Indi was odd - in a nice kind of a way! And, after living with him for nigh on 30 years - he is getting odder - or maybe it's the meds!

Yesterday was Procrit day and after going through his "grab my belly and stab myself with a very sharp needle" routine, Mr. Indi came looking for me with the little empty drug vial in his hand. "You know," he said "I hate to throw these things away. I could paint them with silver paint and we could use them as little milk churns for the doll house cottage." "Oh. OK," I replied "Why didn't I think of that?" - (See what I mean?)

I'm happy to report that both of our motor cars are repaired and back home and the rental car (what a load of rubbish that was!) has gone back without a mark on her. The Toyota has had an extensive make-over including a new coil thingy for the spark plug wire whatsits and she is now running like a top. The Pontiac had her organ transplant and the new dash array is working like a champ - HOWEVER - the auto mechanic noticed a large bubble in one of her tires so Mr. Indi drove her down to the tire shop to get it checked and had all 4 replaced. Say ADIOS to another $500! To say that this has been an expensive week would be rather an understatement but we are happy that we both have our cars fixed. Nothing worse than being without wheels! We shall now eat cat food for the rest of the week!

Today, we are going for a little drive up into the mountains. We haven't been to Wrightwood for a couple of years and it will be good to breathe some clean mountain air. It will also give me an opportunity to take some pictures!

The picture above is my prize winning dahlia - it's a beaut!

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