Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Am I Psychic - or What?

I said that the bloody thing would flower on Sunday and it did. By the time we arrived home at 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon this is what it looked like! Pffftt!

We were sorry to leave Encinitas as we had such a great time there. My friend had suggested that we visit the Quail Gardens before leaving the area and we are so glad that we took her advise. The gardens are so interesting with lots of wonderful - mostly drought resistant - plants.

I took some great pictures (even if I do say so myself!) and will post the best of the lot soon. Quail Gardens is quite hilly and so both me and him took it fairly slowly on the uphill grades! We managed to speed up on the down slope! What a pleasant couple of hours we had!

Feeling peckish after all that hiking, we drove back down the road to Oggies Pizza joint and Brew House. It was OK but very expensive for a pizza place. Mr. Indi was pleased about the brew house part of the business and tried the Oggie's Sunset Amber Ale which he thought was wonderful. I had a sip and while it wasn't too bad, it wasn't good enough to gush over!

We took the inland route home. It's amazing how many vineyards can be seen along the highway where there used to be nothingness. I quite like the rows of vines - like little battalions of soldiers on parade in the fields. We stopped in Murietta to look at the scenery! Hahahaha! And the bathroom was very clean!

So, here we are, home again and back to the old routine. Mr. Indi has blood tests today and doctors tomorrow and I have to do some serious watering of the garden - it is gasping for a drink. More pictures of our trip will follow.

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