Friday, June 27, 2008

Some Updates.

I finally got my new Alien Registration card - the FBI must have liked that last set of fingerprints. I expect that it is because I scrubbed my dermal papillae so that my whorls would show up well. Anyway - I'm legal for 10 more years - if I should be so lucky!

The $129 No Snore Pillow turned out to be the $129 We Saw You Coming Pillow. Last night, his Lordship was sawing them off so loud that the rafters were shivering (or is that timbers?) I went in and beat him about the head and shoulders and he went quiet - and I don't charge $129

The prize winning dahlia is on the brink of bursting into full bloom and I have my camera at the ready.

I would like to thank Granny Williams for her comment.....however it would have been difficult for me to be born in Darfur because my Dad was a Coal Merchant in Brum - AND, I WAS born in a war zone! Lest we forget!

The photo is of the daffodils that I was given by the American Cancer Society in March when I was having radiation. I wanted to show my dear D and R - and J and L - Love you guys xx

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