Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Have Possums - Not Moths

Mr. Indi saw Dr. J yesterday afternoon and was pleased with the meeting. The latest test results show that his PSA is still dropping which is good news. Dr. J is going to try giving him a different chemo drug next week - Cisplatin. It is an earlier version of the Carboplatin that made him so ill so I'm not sure what the point of using this drug is. I have read that the side effects of Cisplatin are even worse than those of Carboplatin - Oh dear. He will be having his chemo next Wednesday when Dr. J will be on the premises if anything goes awry. I'm not looking forward to this!

The weather is awful - record temperatures were recorded all over the place yesterday. It was 105C in the back garden when we got home from the doctors. I only spent a few minutes outside - just long enough to scatter some moth balls around the flower beds - trying to stop the possums from digging - grrrrr.

The photo above is one I took of the Mission San Buenaventura in Ventura, California in July 2006. We love to visit the missions.

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